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Making the world a better place

Students Councils

Build opportunities for others to learn and educate

MCFpanairobi through working with different schools across the country has been championing students’ council program with an aim of enhancing and promoting students’ voice hence promoting democracy within the school and community.

Giving children a voice

The projects’ overall goal is to give children a voice and listen to their opinions, ideas and wishes and to protect their dignity and respect their say.

It’s the organizations’ belief that children have to have a voice within school and express their views on certain issues in a safe environment. This will enable them to grow up as responsible citizens who are aware of their rights, their influence and their responsibility within communities.

Decision Making

Furthermore, it will strengthen their ability to participate in decision making processes which will lead to better improved relationships between the school administration, teachers and the students through creating a platform of dialogue and learning on issues.

An indirect goal of the project is to reduce school drop outs as well as school strike. The program has identified various schools and works closely with the student’s councils of the schools in order to make them more robust by enhancing proper governance to our young people.

We really appreciate your help and support.

It is essential to recognize the uniqueness and importance of each child and ensure they have the right to grow up in a safe and nurturing environment.

You Can Make A Difference 

You Can Make A Difference 

You Can Make A Difference 

You Can Make A Difference 

You Can Make A Difference 

You Can Make A Difference