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Contributing to sustainable, resilient, and inclusive cities.

Soaps are the single most-utilized amenity in the hotel industry. Hotel guests leave behind thousands of half-used bars of soap every day that ends up in landfills.

Save the environment!

Sustainable development goal 12 and 13 are about ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns and addressing climate change respectively. MCFPanairobi is part of the global initiative that is contributing to the sustainable consumption and production of products hence reduction of the environmental pollution occasioned by soaps discarded to the landfills from the hotel industries in Kenya.

Currently MCFPanairobi partners has partnered with hotels within Nairobi and Kiambu counties to ensure all the used soaps are collected and recycled for a second use. The processed soap from the project is sold to the residents of Mathare informal settlement at a lower prize compared to the retail shop prizes to increase access to soap for vulnerable households in Mathare informal settlement .

This will help address health and hygiene   challenges that are common in the informal settlement such as diarrhea diseases and COVID-19.  Further the project creates Jobs for the young mothers who are employed to support the soap recycling project.