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Sexual Reproductive Health Rights

Mathare Children Fund Panairobi if Funded by THE RAIN WORKERS to implement CHANUA TEEN PROJECT in 20 schools in Mathare informal settlement. The focus of the program is to equip adolescents and teenager with knowledge and skills to manage their sexual reproductive health. The key topics discussed include: puberty, fertility awareness, menstrual hygiene, teenage pregnancy, STIs, HIV and AIDS among others.

Among the youths and teenage mothers, THE RAIN WORKERS empowers them on Family Planning; preventing and responding to violence against women and girls, safe motherhood, nutrition and child health. Further the project conducts community engagement dialogues to create an enabling environment for adolescent’s and youths to access Sexual Reproductive Health information and services.

Successful implementation and management of development programs

Sexual reproductive health rights

Women’s human rights

Residents of Mathare informal settlement especially adolescent girls and young women face tremendous challenges in relation to sexual and reproductive health.

Right to be free from torture

This is occasioned by inadequate access to health information and services on puberty, sexuality, contraceptive and prevention of STIS and HIV

These underlying factors lead to high rates of early pregnancy, STIs & HIV infections, sexual violence, and early and forced marriage.

Right to privacy.

To address this challenges, MCFP is funded by THE RAIN WORKERS to train a team Rain Workers to create awareness on sexual reproductive health rights in schools, youth centers, vocational training centers and community at large.

The rain workers  also refer adolescents, youth and community members in need of SRH services to health facilities within Mathare informal settlement.

We really appreciate your help and support.

Pay Bill: 891300
Account: GG2513

It is essential to recognize the uniqueness and importance of each child and ensure they have the right to grow up in a safe and nurturing environment.

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