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Positive contribution to literacy outcome

Community Library

Inculcate a culture of reading

MCFP operates a community library that provides safe spaces within the informal settlements where children undertake extra studies in an environment that is conducive to learning in the evenings after school and over the school holidays.

Paradise for learners

The library comprises spacious study room, books, chairs and study table. The library is supervised by two volunteers who are former beneficiaries of the project.

We have also successfully supported schools to actualize the library hour for each grade, as envision in the daily school routine. Further, the interest amongst teachers as they visit the facilities for their personal research is a notable milestone.

Giving back to the society.

Currently, the library is serving about 100 children from the informal settlement.

The library also provides opportunity for training the children on life skills such as leadership, self-awareness, creativity, critical thinking decision making, interpersonal communication and emotional intelligence.

What we have observed in less than two years since the first libraries were set up is increased interest in reading and school, with more learners visiting the library and reading than before.

We really appreciate your help and support.

Pay Bill: 891300
Account: GG2513

It is essential to recognize the uniqueness and importance of each child and ensure they have the right to grow up in a safe and nurturing environment.

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